Hej igen Anders,
Det er desværre ikke noget, som der bliver kodet om, da det drejer sig om "hacks" som forsøger at gætte hvilken skærm pop up'en er opstået fra, men som kan have konsekvenser for andre funktioner i programmet.
Du får den mere fyldestgørende forklaring på engelsk her:
"This issue has been investigated and while it is correct that browsers under certain circumstances display pop up messages on a different screen than where the browser, which spawned the pop up, is present. There are hacks, which attempt to guess which screen the pop up is spawned from, but these are just as likely to create other issues, as they are to fix the current. The issue described, where the pop up would be half-and-half on each screen is likely due to the user using one graphic card to extend the display across two screen; essentially handling the two screens as one. Thus, any centered pop up will be put in the middle of the one 'screen', i.e. between the actual monitors."
Med venlig hilsen</p>
<strong>Heidi Christensen</strong></p>
<strong><img alt="" src="
style="width: 200px; height: 49px; " /></strong></p>
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