Hi Raz,
Thank you for suggestion, and I must say we have heard different solutions but all adressing this problem. (I will not merge this suggestion with the others ones, since they are in danish)
We are looking for a solution, where we can come by this. However we do not have the golden solution to this yet, we are looking for more solutions since like I mentioned we have heard this suggestion before, but different solution.
The result of making it <a href="mailto:post@faktura.dk">post@faktura.dk</a> or <a href="mailto:post@debitor.dk">post@debitor.dk</a> -> what would you think as a customer when you recieved this? Since I am not sure?
Best regards
<strong>Steffen Ekelund</strong></p>
<strong><img alt="" src="
style="width: 200px; height: 49px; " /></strong></p>
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