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New squares (fields) in invoice, which can be displayed as columns in list from Archive

Hello team,

could you please advise if it is possible to add additional fields in Invoice - the same as we have now Other ref. ?

I need to have couple more columns in list of invoices exported from Archive to excel.

When I export list of invoices to excel, I see that there is a field for Quote/Order, which is always empty. Does it fill automatically only if I convert order to invoice?

Thanks in advance.
i Spørgsmål » Salg af (140 points)
status opdateret af 🔒

2 Svar


I just tried to export invoices from my start up test agreement, and I get order numers in the order column.

Is it possible that you could give me access to your agreement ? Then I could try to see why you get empty columns in that field.

You click on the orange wheel and all settings and to the left you click on Administrators. In the right top corner you will se a seach field, where you type my number 1150858 and click on the little man with the tick and click OK. Then I can see your agreement.

Please just write here, when it is OK, then I will have a look

Have a nice weekend

Hilsen Susan Jensen
Spørgsmål af 🔒 (38.5k points)
Hi Susan,

thank you for swift reply. I've just added you to administrators :)

Hej Susan

Det ville gøre dette forum meget mere brugbart, hvis I/du efterfølgende skrev om problemet blev løst og i så fald hvordan!

På forhånd Tak

Jacques yes

Hej Jacques

Du har fuldstændig ret. Det giver rigtig god mening, men jeg har endnu ikke fundet en løsning, da jeg lige var nødt til at få adgang til kundens aftale.

Men helt sikkert. Jeg skal nok tilføje løsningen her på Forum
Hi Susan,

I've added you as administrator, could you please check our problem?

Also, is there a chance to get Text1 and Text2 displayed in excel archive of invoices?


Hello Alla

I have tried to export invoices and I get both text 1 and text 2 column in V and W in excel, plus there are order numbers in column also in column AH. I have sent you a mail with the attachment.

Regarding extra columns, I will talk to our developers.

You will here from me, when I know more

Hilsen Susan Jensen
Spørgsmål af 🔒 (38.5k points)