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bruger SoniSplashBI

Bruger i: 5 år (since 7 Feb, 2020)
Brugertype: Registreret bruger
Navn: soni saxena
Virksomhed: splashbi
Om: splashbi empowers organizations to understand the full story behind their data through our business analytics platform. we help organizations in making data-driven decisions by providing them with the necessary actionable intelligence – anywhere or anytime.

Aktivitet af SoniSplashBI

Score: 100 points (rang #5,666)
Indlæg: 0
Svar: 0
Kommentarer: 0
Har stemt på: 0 indlæg
Har givet: 0 positive stemmer, 0 negative stemmer
Har fået: 0 positive stemmer, 0 negative stemmer